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Mission Statement

To see the broken made whole, disconnected be reconnected, bent over made to stand tall as true female images of God; restored and empowered to become and manifest who God has created, equipped, qualified and called them to be. That they may stand as a unified front and reckoned force, being spiritually whole; mind, body and soul to assist in establishing the Kingdom of God. Male and FEMALE, He created them in HIS Image! (Gen. 1:27-28)

Anna Robles founded P.O.W.E.R. Ministries International in August of 1994. Power Ministries International is currently geared towards women. We desire to empower and uplift women to become the God-fearing women that God ordained to foster the generations to come. 


God has birthed in her a fervent desire for women, especially His daughters. Her desire is to see the broken, made whole, disconnected, be reconnected, bent over, made to stand tall as true female images of God; restored and empowered to become and manifest who God has created, equipped, qualified and called them to be. That they may stand as a unified front and reckoned force, being spiritually whole; mind, body and soul to assist in establishing the Kingdom of God. Male and "FEMALE", He created them in HIS Image! (Gen. 1:27-28)


Our History

Prophetess Anna became a converted Christian in June 1991. She noticed that the Lord had a call on her life when various women gravitated to her seeking her counsel, and their countenance and lives changed when she would counsel and encourage them. As she saw her powerful influence on the women around her, she began to seek God about it. After seeking God, He gave her a vision about opening her own business and instructed her to leave her fulltime job. In August of 1998, she took that leap of faith and opened Rejoice Bookstore and Gift Shop in Tortola, British Virgin Islands.  Her ministry was birthed in the store.  She saw many women come to Christ, be delivered, and set free right in her Office/Prayer closet.  That is when God began to form her team out of those women she had ministered to. The ministry took off from there and she began to minister throughout the Caribbean and the United States.


From 2001 through 2006 Prophetess Anna faithfully served in ministry.  In 2006, the Lord began to prepare her to relocate to the Mainland of the United States. Upon arrival in the United States on November 1, 2007, the Lord had her spend intentional quiet time and took her through an “Elijah experience” for her first two years in the U.S.  She began to continue her ministry one on one until she was able to establish a ministry to partner with.


After awakening from a night vision, she was told "Help Me restore My daughters" and this is the vision.  “It was a dream of hurting women: rejected, abused, and abandoned women, who seemed to be giving up on themselves and life. They were giving me their hearts and I would wrap them in bandaging and nurse them back to wholeness. I knew this was so because I gave them back their hearts without the bandages.


As I pondered all this, I received the acronym "P.O.W.E.R.” in my spirit and what it stood for came after "Preparing Other Women (thru) Empowerment (and) Restoration".  This was something I was already doing with my friends, since I was in my Tweens. I never understood it was something God had graced me with. I love what I do, especially the outcome of seeing these women restored, empowered and active in the Kingdom of God...walking out His purpose for their lives. I can do this every day...all day!”


Prophetess Anna has been privileged to be a Guest Speaker and Host for many Conferences and on several platforms domestically and internationally, over the years and her emphasis is on restoring and empowering the daughters of God; training and equipping them to work the fields of the Kingdom as they fulfill God's divine purpose for them.

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