“’Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you will be My people; and you shall walk entirely in the way which I command you, so that it may go well for you.’ Yet they did not obey or incline their ear.” - Jeremiah 7:23–24 NASB
God’s people were going in the wrong direction: backward, not forward. The Lord had given them everything they needed. They just had to obey Him and walk in His ways. He desired to bless and prosper them, making everything “be well” with them.
But they continued to listen to other influences…popular ideas and people who made nice promises. Ignoring God’s Word, they became entrenched “in the stubbornness of their evil hearts” (v. 24). As a result, they reaped problem after problem.
God wanted them to change, so He could bless them! But because they refused to return to Him, conditions in their country continued to deteriorate, not improve.
Turning their backs on God was a horrible decision. How could He bless them if they wouldn’t look to Him for their provision? He wanted to see their faces and help them go forward.
It’s easy to find ourselves listening to the counsel of the world. Voices of confusion cry loudly all around us, offering solutions that sound nice, but don’t work…tempt us to ignore God and go our own way…and lure us to follow them and ignore His Word. But what a price we pay!
Remember, God has a plan for your life. Follow His path. Obey His Word. Commit your life to Him. Listen to His voice. Make sure you are going forward in your spiritual life!
Father, I commit my ways to You. Thank You for directing my path. Show me if I am going backward in any way, that I can allow You to redirect my path. Help me to always keep focused following only You. In Yeshua’s Name, Amen.