“The Lord set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones and…they were very dry. - Ezekiel 37:1-2
God told Ezekiel to declare His Word to a valley full of bones, and they became a mighty army. And these bones were dead, dry and in disarray. That may describe where you are today. Your hopes are dead, your soul is dry, your life is in disarray. So, what's the answer?
#1 You need God to shake things up in your life. “There was a shaking and the bones came together.” (v. 7). If it feels like things are being shaken up in your personal life, your home life and your work life; Rejoice, it means God has great plans for you.
#2 You need God to speak to you through His Word “Oh dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord” (v4). God's Word turned this bunch of bones into a mighty army that could conquer, win and fulfill His purposes. And God's Word will do the same for you. Yeshua said, “You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). So get into God's Word and get God's Word into you. Realize God did not prophesy to the dry bones, Ezekiel did. So, prophesy the Word of the Lord to your dry bones: situations, circumstances, difficulties, etc. Your dry bones will respond to the living Word of God.
#3 You need God to breathe His Holy Spirit on you. “Oh. Breath of God, breathe upon these, that they may live, and they stood upon their feet and exceeding great army” (Ezek. 37:9-10), When you're empowered by His Spirit, you will exceed your own expectations and do great things for God.
Ezekiel couldn't see the potential in those bones until God showed it to him. So, no matter what others say, God sees potential in you and that's why He is shaking you up. I'm hearing things rattling...don't you?