“In the gale and the storm is His way, and clouds are the dust beneath His feet…The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him.” - Nahum 1:3, 7 NASB

For those who know God, He will be their stronghold in the middle of the storm.
Where do we turn during the storms of life? Many react with fear or worry. They may believe in God, but they don’t have a personal relationship with Him. They aren’t confident that He is with them. While things go smoothly, they pursue their own pleasures, ignoring His Word and following the ways of the world…until the storms hit.
But people who have a personal relationship with God react differently. When the storms come, they have a firm foundation. They are prepared for adversity, for they’ve built their lives on the Rock of stability, not on shifting sands (Matthew 7:24–27). They know they can turn to God and trust in Him; God is their Protector, Shield, Friend, and Father.
They also know that “the Lord is good.” Instead of running from Him or ignoring Him, they embrace Him. They seek to know Him more intimately and immerse their lives in His Word. They are so confident in their relationship with Him that they realize He is “a stronghold in the day of trouble.” During the storms of life, they run to Him, for “He knows those who take refuge in Him.”
Today, there may be storms in the world or in your own life. Make sure that you are prepared. Deepen your personal relationship with God. Remember that He promises to take care of you if you trust in Him.
Father, I want a deeper relationship with You. Thank You for being my stronghold; my refuge and strength, my very present help in times of trouble. Through every storm, remind me to run to You. In the Name of Yeshua…Amen.