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Trust In The Lord

Writer's picture: Bernadette deWeeverBernadette deWeever

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

How can we trust in the Lord? How do we come to a place of trust? To trust someone means to have confidence in, to rely on their character, ability, strength or truth - to know that what they say, they will do. Trust is developed over time. As we build our relationship with the Lord, we grow to trust Him more and more. As He fulfills His promises, as we see Him at work in our lives, our trust in Him grows stronger.


God wants us to trust Him with all our heart. This means that we must trust Him wholeheartedly, not partially. There must not be any doubt. If there is doubt, then we are saying to Him, I do not trust you, Lord. We must know His character – He does not lie, He keeps His promises, He loves us, He is a good Father who only wants the best for His children, He is dependable, therefore, we can trust Him with our whole heart.


God is saying to us, do not lean on your own understanding. Our understanding is limited. We do not see the end from the beginning. Many times, we only see what is in front of us, but our God is all knowing and all seeing. When we are faced with a situation, we tend to think we know what to do because of past experiences, but God may be saying, no, do not do it the same way this time, do it my way. One of the things I love about David, he inquired of the Lord how he should fight his enemies. Each time God would give him a different strategy. You see, the enemy of our soul knows us, but God is always ahead of him. Our God is strategic.


The scripture tells us, to acknowledge God in all our ways, and He shall direct our paths. The first thing we must do when we need to make a decision or we plan to do something, is to seek the counsel of God, in prayer. When we do that, we are saying to Him, you are my Lord, and I trust you. Lord, you know what is best for me, I only want your will for my life. I know you are reliable, dependable and you will not lead me astray but will lead me in the paths of righteousness.


Put God’s word to the test. Is there a decision you have to make? Is there something you would like to accomplish? I challenge you to apply the scripture, you will not be disappointed. I apply the scripture to my own life and God’s way is always the best way.



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