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Where Is The God of Elijah?

And he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and smote the waters, and said, Where is the Lord God of Elijah? 2 Kings 2:14a

We look at many leaders, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers today who are doing the work of God. There are those who admires what they are doing; then there are those who wants to be like them. The question is, are you willing to pay the price that many leaders have paid to be a vessel used by God?


Let’s look at the life of Elijah and Elisha. God used the prophet Elijah to do many miracles that demonstrated the power of God. One such act is when Elijah called down fire from heaven and the fire burnt up the wood and dried up the water. Many would like to be used by God to great signs and wonders, but there is a cost to pay for the anointing. It requires crucifying the flesh and dying to self. It requires being sold out to God. Though it was a great victory for Elijah against the prophets of Baal, Elijah was soon running for his life when he received a death threat from a woman called Jezebel. Elijah ran from Jezebel and asked God to let him die. How could that be after such a great victory?


God then chose Elisha as Elijah’s successor. Elisha was taking care of his oxen when he received the call to ministry. He left all that he had to follow Elijah. Elisha was devoted to following Elijah. As they travelled, Elijah would say to Elisha, stay here while I continue on my journey, but Elisha said, I will never leave you. What is your devotion to God? Are you committed to God, the one who called you? Are you willing to go all the way with God? Elisha was determined not to leave Elijah. Elisha could have given up, but he remained faithful.


As they travelled on. Elisha knew Elijah would soon depart. Elijah asked Elisha, what can I do for you? Elisha said that he would like to receive a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. Know that the spirit of God was in Elijah. Elisha received the double portion and performed double the number of miracles that Elijah did. Elisha asked, where is the God of Elijah? He wanted to confirm that God was also with him, as God was with Elijah.


Today, I want to ask you, is the God of Elijah and Elisha your God? I want my life to demonstrate God in such a way, that someone in despair can open their mouth and ask, where is the God of Bernadette? They would call upon my God because of the mighty things God has done in my life. Testify of the God who lives in you!

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