The RVR Matthew Henry Study Bible features more than 15,000 notes by Matthew Henry and more than 200 other renowned theologians and authors such as Luther, Calvin, Clarke, Keil, Delitzsch, Spurgeon, Lacueva, Pérez-Millos and Wesley, among others. . Henry stood out for his theological perspective, which is a faithful testimony of the evangelical doctrine. His detailed notes demonstrate superlative spiritual ability and great scholarship based on his profound knowledge of biblical Greek and Hebrew.
In its more than 2,000 two-color pages, the reader will discover a large amount of content of a philological, cultural, devotional and doctrinal nature that will broaden and renew the depth of their biblical study. Hundreds of notes, diagrams, photographs, and full-page articles accompany the full text of the Reina Valera Revised—the preferred Bible translation of many leading and renowned Bible scholars today.
It includes:
- Full text of the RVR in two colors
- More than 15,000 philological, contextual, doctrinal and exegetical notes
- More than 50,000 biblical cross references
- Notes by leading authors of all time: Augustine of Hippo, M. Henry, M. Luther, J. Calvin, A. Clarke, C. Keil, F. Delitzsch, AT Robertson, F. Godet, F. Lacueva, J. Bengel, Jonathan Edwards, J. Moffat, L. Morris, S. Pérez Millos, J. Wesley and 200 other authors
- Solid introductions to each book with Bible outline included
- Presentation of advances in biblical sciences and textual criticism
- Graphs, charts, maps, icons and infographics
- Transcription of terms in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek
- Words of the Lord Jesus in red
- Fonts for a comfortable reading experience
- Brackets for passages omitted by the main manuscripts